1 Color
1.1 Color
Blue, Pink, White
Blue, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, White, Yellow
1.1.1 Color Meaning
Blue - Peace and Serenity, Pink - Sensitivity and Love, White - Purity and Innocence
Blue - Peace and Serenity, Orange - Satisfaction and Passion, Pink - Sensitivity and Love, Purple - Elegance and Pride, Red - Courage, Desire and Love, White - Purity and Innocence, Yellow - Happiness and Friendship
1.2 Stem Size
<%ToolTipProdName%> <%ToolTipProdRange%>
1.3 Fragrance
1.4 Petals
1.4.1 Number Of Petals
1.5 Other Characteristics
1.5.1 Shape
1.5.2 Height
1.5.3 Diameter
1.6 Line
Not Available
Not Available
1.7 Silhouette
Not Available
Not Available
1.8 Blossom Texture
Not Available
Not Available
1.9 Blossom Size
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1.10 Form
Not Available
Not Available
2 Care
2.1 Growing Conditions of
2.1.1 Sunlight
2.1.2 Watering
2.2 Soil
2.2.1 Type of Soil
2.2.2 The pH of Soil
2.2.3 Essential Fertilizers
Lime stone, Sulphur
Lime stone
2.3 Common Pests and Diseases
2.3.1 List of Pests
Aphids, Slugs, Snails
Aphids, Slugs, Snails, Spider Mites
2.3.2 List of Diseases
Bacterial leaf spot or blast, blight, Crown gall rot, Gray Molds, Root Rot
2.4 Bloom Time
All Summer Season, Fall Season, Spring Season, Winter Season
2.5 Vase Life
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3 Interesting Facts
3.1 Facts
3.1.1 History
3.1.2 Origin
Eurasia, North America
Asia, Europe
3.2 Interesting Facts of
- It is believed that one who wears this flower is never forgotten by his lovers.
- Forget me not is the state flower of Alaska.
- The flower name Pansy has come from French word 'pensee' and that means thought or remembrance.
- The flower resembles to human face.
3.3 Lifespan
Perennials - a plant that lives for three or more years
Biennials - completes its life cycle in two years
3.4 Habit
3.5 Flower Meaning
3.6 Astrological Flower
3.7 Birth Month Flower
3.8 Flower Availability
4 Benefits
4.1 Uses
Not Available
Not Available
4.2 Health Benefits
Cures nosebleeds, improves the functioning of the lungs, kidneys, and stomach, Treats lung problems
Best remedy for Cough & Cold, Good for liver and gallbladder, improves the functioning of the lungs, kidneys, and stomach, Used for sinus pain, hay fever and headache
4.2.1 Medicinal Uses
Acts as an Astringent
Acts as an anti-inflammatory, It has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, It has anti-septic properties
4.2.2 Culinary Uses
Included in wines and cocktails, Used as flavor food in deserts and ice creams, Used in salads, soups and sandwiches
4.3 Other Benefits
4.3.1 Design Uses
4.3.2 Cosmetic Uses
Used in Perfumes
Best for Dry sensitive skin, Best for Healing, Softens skin, Used in Perfumes
4.3.3 Occasional Uses
Anniversary, Decoration
4.4 Allergy
5 Family
5.1 Common Name
5.2 Tribe
5.3 Scientific Name
Myosotis scorpioides
Viola tricolor subsp. tricolor
5.4 Kingdom
5.4.1 Sub kingdom
5.5 Super Division
5.5.1 Division
5.5.2 Order
5.6 Class
5.7 Family
5.7.1 Sub Family
5.8 Genus
Not Available
Not Available
5.9 Number of Species