Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, Yellow
Blue, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, White, Yellow
Color Meaning
Orange - Satisfaction and Passion, Pink - Sensitivity and Love, Purple - Elegance and Pride, Red - Courage, Desire and Love, Yellow - Happiness and Friendship
Blue - Peace and Serenity, Orange - Satisfaction and Passion, Pink - Sensitivity and Love, Purple - Elegance and Pride, Red - Courage, Desire and Love, White - Purity and Innocence, Yellow - Happiness and Friendship
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Blossom Texture
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Full Sun, Part Sun
Full Sun
Type of Soil
Essential Fertilizers
Lime stone
Common Pests and Diseases
List of Pests
Aphids, Mites, Nematodes, Slugs, Snails, Spider Mites
Aphids, Slugs, Snails, Spider Mites
List of Diseases
Gray Molds, Root Rot, Stem Rot
Bacterial leaf spot or blast, blight, Crown gall rot, Gray Molds, Root Rot
Bloom Time
Spring Season
All Summer Season, Fall Season, Spring Season, Winter Season
China, Greece, Iran, Persia, Siberia, Turkey, Ukraine
Asia, Europe
Interesting Facts of
- Tulip is the national flower of Turkey and Afghanistan and its name is originated from Turkish word 'Turbin'.
- On Valentine's Day Tulip is the second most popular flower to send after roses.
- The flower name Pansy has come from French word 'pensee' and that means thought or remembrance.
- The flower resembles to human face.
Annuals - complete its full life cycle in one growing season, Perennials - a plant that lives for three or more years
Biennials - completes its life cycle in two years
Not Available
Not Available
Health Benefits
Best remedy for Cough & Cold, Reduces risk of cancer, Used for sinus pain, hay fever and headache
Best remedy for Cough & Cold, Good for liver and gallbladder, improves the functioning of the lungs, kidneys, and stomach, Used for sinus pain, hay fever and headache
Medicinal Uses
Have diuretic properties, It has anti-septic properties
Acts as an anti-inflammatory, It has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, It has anti-septic properties
Culinary Uses
Included in wines and cocktails, Used as flavor food in deserts and ice creams, Used in salads, soups and sandwiches
Cosmetic Uses
Best for Dry sensitive skin, Used in creams, hand lotions and in essential oils, Used in Perfumes
Best for Dry sensitive skin, Best for Healing, Softens skin, Used in Perfumes
Occasional Uses
Father's Day, Friendship Day, Mother's Day, Wedding
Anniversary, Decoration
Scientific Name
Viola tricolor subsp. tricolor
Sub kingdom
Super Division
Not Available
Not Available
Number of Species
Not Available
Not Available
Tulip and Pansy color
Tulip and Pansy come in variety of colors. Every color tells a different story. Let’s know about Tulip and Pansy color meaning in this section. For example Red - Courage, Desire and Love, Pink - Sensitivity and Love,Yellow - Happiness and Friendship, Orange - Satisfaction and Passion, Purple - Elegance and Pride, Blue - Peace and Serenity, White - Purity and Innocence, Green - Prosperity and Optimism. Tulip is Bowl in shape and has Floral fragrance whereas Heart shaped Pansy has Floral fragrance.
More facts about Tulip and Pansy
You must be eager to know more facts about Tulip and Pansy. Did you know Tulip has originated in China, Greece, Iran, Persia, Siberia, Turkey, Ukraine while Pansy has originated in Asia, Europe. One of the Interesting Facts about Tulip and Pansy is that they can survive almost in pots.
Tulip and Pansy Uses
Benefits of flowers are universally known. Let’s know about Tulip and Pansy uses in this section. Tulip and Pansy have many medicinal properties. Besides, Tulip is given on special occasions like Father's Day, Friendship Day, Mother's Day, Wedding whereas Pansy on Anniversary, Decoration. Tulip and Pansy also have many culinary benefits.
Learn about Tulip and Pansy Family classification
Flowers classification makes their study easier. Plants sharing same association are grouped together. Let’s learn about Tulip and Pansy Family classification here. Tulip and Pansy belong to Plantae. They are further divided in Spermatophyte super division and Magnoliophyta division. This way, different flowers can be organized in a systematic format.