Amaranth and Verbena Color
Pink, Purple, Red
Blue, Pink, Red, White
Color Meaning
Pink - Sensitivity and Love, Purple - Elegance and Pride, Red - Courage, Desire and Love
Blue - Peace and Serenity, Pink - Sensitivity and Love, Red - Courage, Desire and Love, White - Purity and Innocence
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Blossom Texture
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Amaranth and Verbena Color Meaning
Aren't you curious to know Amaranth and Verbena color meaning? If yes, go ahead and learn about Amaranth and Amaranth color meaning! Amaranth color meaning is Pink - Sensitivity and Love, Purple - Elegance and Pride, Red - Courage, Desire and Love whereas Verbena color meaning is Blue - Peace and Serenity, Pink - Sensitivity and Love, Red - Courage, Desire and Love, White - Purity and Innocence. Also check out different Flowers by Color and convey the message to your loved ones by offering flowers with different colors.
Other Characteristics of Amaranth and Verbena
Just like Amaranth and Verbena colors, get to know other characteristics of Amaranth and Verbena. Amaranth has 2 whereas Verbena has got 5. Amaranth being NA in shape can reach up to 90.00 cm in height whereas Dome shaped Amaranth is 1.00 cm in height. Amaranth is Not Available in diameter and Verbena is 18.00 cm in diameter respectively.
Amaranth and Verbena Fragrance
After knowing about Amaranth and Verbena colors, get to know about Amaranth and Verbena fragrance. Flower fragrance is used to attract birds and insects for pollination. The Fragrance of Amaranth is Floral fragrance while Verbena has Citrus!