The classification of Daisy and Pansy family is purely based on their genetic and physical characteristics. The scientific classification of Daisy and Pansy family is done according to their kingdom, division, order,class etc. Get to know about Daisy Family and Pansy Family family here. Daisy and Pansy fall under Plantae kingdom and Tracheobionta sub kingdom.
Daisy and Pansy division and super division comes next in Daisy and Pansy family classification. Daisy and Pansy super division is Spermatophyta while Magnoliophyta is their division. Thus, Daisy and Pansy classification makes it easier to study different flowers.
Study of flower and plant families can help to identify a new one. Flowers can be grouped together according to their families. Let’s discuss more about Daisy and Pansy family classification and compare Daisy family and Pansy family. The family of Daisy is Asteraceae while for Pansy, it is Violaceae. Daisy subfamilies are Asteroideae while that of Pansy are NA. The further classification is made on the basis of class and order. The class of Daisy and Pansy is Magnoliopsida and Magnoliopsida whereas Asterales and Violales are orders respectively. Check out Daisy Color and Pansy Color to know more about their colors.