


Gardenia Facts

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1 Color

1.1 Color

White, Yellow

1.1.1 Color Meaning

White - Purity and Innocence, Yellow - Happiness and Friendship

1.2 Stem Size

Check 0" Range Flowers!
0 0

1.3 Fragrance


1.4 Petals

1.4.1 Number Of Petals

Rank: 5 (Overall)
3 34

1.5 Other Characteristics

1.5.1 Shape


1.5.2 Height

5.00 cm
Rank: 13 (Overall)
1 60

1.5.3 Diameter

5.00 cm
Rank: 8 (Overall)
1 50

1.6 Line

Not Available

1.7 Silhouette

Not Available

1.8 Blossom Texture

Not Available

1.9 Blossom Size

Check 0" Range Flowers!
0 0

1.10 Form

Not Available

2 Care

2.1 Growing Conditions of

2.1.1 Sunlight

Full Sun, Part Sun

2.1.2 Watering


2.2 Soil

2.2.1 Type of Soil


2.2.2 The pH of Soil

Rank: 11 (Overall)
4.5 7.5

2.2.3 Essential Fertilizers

Manganese, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium

2.3 Common Pests and Diseases

2.3.1 List of Pests

Aphids, Mealybugs

2.3.2 List of Diseases

Powdery Mildew, Root Rot, Stem Rot

2.4 Bloom Time

Spring Season

2.5 Vase Life

Check 0 Range Flowers!
0 0

3 Interesting Facts

3.1 Facts

3.1.1 History

3.1.2 Origin

Africa, Asia, Australasia, Oceania

3.2 Interesting Facts of

  • The national flower of Pakistan is Gardenia and is named after a famous botanist, Dr Alexander Garden.
  • It turns coffee colored brown if touched by water.

3.3 Lifespan

Annuals - complete its full life cycle in one growing season

3.4 Habit


3.5 Flower Meaning

3.6 Astrological Flower

3.7 Birth Month Flower

3.8 Flower Availability

4 Benefits

4.1 Uses

Not Available

4.2 Health Benefits

Best remedy for Cough & Cold, Cures abdominal diseases, Good remedy for Diarrhea, Prevents Intestinal Ulcers

4.2.1 Medicinal Uses

Acts as a antidepressant, Acts as an anti-inflammatory, It has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties

4.2.2 Culinary Uses

Preserved in honey, Used as flavor food in deserts and ice creams, Used in pickles, Used in salads, soups and sandwiches

4.3 Other Benefits

4.3.1 Design Uses

4.3.2 Cosmetic Uses

Used in Perfumes, Used in shampoos and soaps, Utilized in making essential oils

4.3.3 Occasional Uses


4.4 Allergy

Asthma, Contact Dermatitis

5 Family

5.1 Common Name

5.2 Tribe

5.3 Scientific Name

Gardenia jasminoides

5.4 Kingdom


5.4.1 Sub kingdom


5.5 Super Division


5.5.1 Division


5.5.2 Order


5.6 Class


5.7 Family


5.7.1 Sub Family


5.8 Genus

Not Available

5.9 Number of Species

Not Available
Rank: N/A (Overall)

About Gardenia

It is always a mesmerizing experience to walk through colorful blossoms in our yard. Flowers are nature's simple solution to uplift our moods after a day’s hectic schedule. Every flower is diverse and unique in its own way. Let's know about Gardenia and some Interesting Facts about Gardenia in the upcoming sections. These Gardenia facts will leave you spellbound.

More about Gardenia Facts and Color

How about conveying message without words? Know more about Gardenia facts and color over here! Gardenia Colors are available in White, Yellow! Isn't it exciting to imagine Gardenia in these warm exciting colors? These Flowers by Color convey a different message such as White - Purity and Innocence, Yellow - Happiness and Friendship. Talking about the aroma of Gardenia, it has NA fragrance. Choose and plant these aromatic Gardenias around your yard which will take you to a whole new level of pleasant environment.

Gardenia growing conditions

Gardenia Care starts with proper Gardenia growing conditions which includes sun exposure, planting, feeding, watering, mulching and deadheading. Its bloom time is Spring Season. The pests that attack Gardenia are Aphids, Mealybugs etc. Diligently watering of Gardenia protects it and enhances its lifespan.

Gardenia Information

This section talks about Gardenia information and some of the interesting Gardenia facts! Gardenia fossils were found near Africa, Asia, Australasia, Oceania. To know some more interesting Gardenia facts, see Birth Flowers and see whose birth flower is Gardenia.

Gardenia Classification

The very first thing to consider in Gardenia facts while studying Gardenia classification is its scientific name. The scientific names for all flowers are universally accepted. Gardenia jasminoides is the scientific name of Gardenia. Gardenia belongs to Plantae kingdom and Rubiaceae family. Gardenia classification is based on its physical and genetic features.