



Interesting Facts about Daisy and Lavender

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1 Interesting Facts
1.1 Facts
1.1.1 History
1.1.2 Origin
America, Australasia, Central Europe, Northern Europe, Western Europe
Africa, Mediterranean Region, Southern Asia
1.2 Interesting Facts of
  • Name "daisy" means "day's eyes" and when given to another person stands for transfer of secret from the giver to the receiver.
  • Daisy opens the flower at dawn and closes it at night.
  • In ancient times Lavenders were used for mummification in Egypt.
  • The word lavender has originated from a latin word 'Lavare' which means 'to wash'.
1.3 Lifespan
Perennials - a plant that lives for three or more years
Perennials - a plant that lives for three or more years
1.4 Habit
1.5 Flower Meaning
1.6 Astrological Flower
1.7 Birth Month Flower
1.8 Flower Availability

Interesting Facts of Daisy and Lavender

Check out all the interesting facts about Daisy and Lavender and get amazed! These interesting facts of Daisy and Lavender will give you a better understanding about Daisy and Lavender. The Interesting Facts about Daisy are as follows:

  • Name "daisy" means "day's eyes" and when given to another person stands for transfer of secret from the giver to the receiver.
  • Daisy opens the flower at dawn and closes it at night.

While the Interesting Facts about Lavender are as follows:

  • In ancient times Lavenders were used for mummification in Egypt.
  • The word lavender has originated from a latin word 'Lavare' which means 'to wash'.

Daisy and Lavender History

You must be fascinated by the interesting facts about Daisy and Lavender.

Interesting facts about Daisy and Lavender also include the information about their history and origin. Daisy and Lavender history is one of the important aspects of their interesting facts.Daisy is originated in America, Australasia, Central Europe, Northern Europe, Western Europe whereas traces of Lavender were first found near Africa, Mediterranean Region, Southern Asia.

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