


Lotus Facts

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1 Color
1.1 Color
Blue, Pink, Purple, Red, White
1.1.1 Color Meaning
Blue - Peace and Serenity, Pink - Sensitivity and Love, Purple - Elegance and Pride, Red - Courage, Desire and Love, White - Purity and Innocence
1.2 Stem Size
1.3 Fragrance
1.4 Petals
1.4.1 Number Of Petals
Rank: 3 (Overall)
1.5 Other Characteristics
1.5.1 Shape
1.5.2 Height
49.00 cm
Rank: 4 (Overall)
1.5.3 Diameter
8.00 cm
Rank: 4 (Overall)
1.6 Line
Not Available
1.7 Silhouette
Not Available
1.8 Blossom Texture
Not Available
1.9 Blossom Size
1.10 Form
Not Available
2 Care
2.1 Growing Conditions of
2.1.1 Sunlight
Full Sun
2.1.2 Watering
Too much
2.2 Soil
2.2.1 Type of Soil
Any Soil
2.2.2 The pH of Soil
Rank: 8 (Overall)
2.2.3 Essential Fertilizers
Lime stone, Sulphur
2.3 Common Pests and Diseases
2.3.1 List of Pests
Aphids, Japanese beetles, Mites, moths, Snails, Spider Mites, Whiteflies
2.3.2 List of Diseases
Bacterial leaf spot or blast, Black Spot, Crown rot, Root Rot
2.4 Bloom Time
All Summer Season, Fall Season, Spring Season
2.5 Vase Life
3 Interesting Facts
3.1 Facts
3.1.1 History
3.1.2 Origin
Africa, Asia, Europe, North America
3.2 Interesting Facts of
  • As Lotus flowers at the day hours and closes by night,according to Egyptian mythology, they are related to Sun.
  • Lotus is considered as sacred in Hinduism as well as in Buddhism.
  • They are consumed in almost all parts of India.
3.3 Lifespan
Perennials - a plant that lives for three or more years
3.4 Habit
3.5 Flower Meaning
3.6 Astrological Flower
3.7 Birth Month Flower
3.8 Flower Availability
4 Benefits
4.1 Uses
Not Available
4.2 Health Benefits
Best remedy for Cough & Cold, Reduces risk of cancer
4.2.1 Medicinal Uses
Acts as an anti-inflammatory, Acts as an Astringent
4.2.2 Culinary Uses
Rich in Vitamins
4.3 Other Benefits
4.3.1 Design Uses
4.3.2 Cosmetic Uses
Good for Hair growth, Lightens the skin, Softens skin, Used in Perfumes
4.3.3 Occasional Uses
Good Luck, Wedding
4.4 Allergy
Contact Dermatitis, dry or cracked skin
5 Family
5.1 Common Name
5.2 Tribe
5.3 Scientific Name
Nelumbo nucifera
5.4 Kingdom
5.4.1 Sub kingdom
5.5 Super Division
5.5.1 Division
5.5.2 Order
5.6 Class
5.7 Family
5.7.1 Sub Family
5.8 Genus
Not Available
5.9 Number of Species
Not Available
Rank: N/A (Overall)

About Lotus

It is always a mesmerizing experience to walk through colorful blossoms in our yard. Flowers are nature's simple solution to uplift our moods after a day’s hectic schedule. Every flower is diverse and unique in its own way. Let's know about Lotus and some Interesting Facts about Lotus in the upcoming sections. These Lotus facts will leave you spellbound.

More about Lotus Facts and Color

How about conveying message without words? Know more about Lotus facts and color over here! Lotus Colors are available in Blue, Pink, Purple, Red, White! Isn't it exciting to imagine Lotus in these warm exciting colors? These Flowers by Color convey a different message such as Blue - Peace and Serenity, Pink - Sensitivity and Love, Purple - Elegance and Pride, Red - Courage, Desire and Love, White - Purity and Innocence. Talking about the aroma of Lotus, it has Floral fragrance. Choose and plant these aromatic Lotuss around your yard which will take you to a whole new level of pleasant environment.

Lotus growing conditions

Lotus Care starts with proper Lotus growing conditions which includes sun exposure, planting, feeding, watering, mulching and deadheading. Its bloom time is All Summer Season, Fall Season, Spring Season. The pests that attack Lotus are Aphids, Japanese beetles, Mites, moths, Snails, Spider Mites, Whiteflies etc. Too much watering of Lotus protects it and enhances its lifespan.

Lotus Information

This section talks about Lotus information and some of the interesting Lotus facts! Lotus fossils were found near Africa, Asia, Europe, North America. To know some more interesting Lotus facts, see Birth Flowers and see whose birth flower is Lotus.

Lotus Classification

The very first thing to consider in Lotus facts while studying Lotus classification is its scientific name. The scientific names for all flowers are universally accepted. Nelumbo nucifera is the scientific name of Lotus. Lotus belongs to Plantae kingdom and Fabaceae family. Lotus classification is based on its physical and genetic features.